
Recode Studio is a brand new XR & Virtual Production Studio based in Manchester.

0161 394 0771

Post Production

Recode XR is a Post Production House that understands the goal of creating a coherent vision throughout the process and ensuring that technical aspects do not impede the creative flow. Post production is a crucial part of the filmmaking            process, as it can make or break a film. Working with a great post production facility can help to create an engaging and captivating experience

delivering world-class post-production services .

Our post-production services provide several cost-saving benefits, including:

Efficient Workflow:
Resource Optimisation:
Advanced Technology:
Skilled Professionals:
Customized Solutions:


Colour Grading

Color grading is the process of enhancing, adjusting, or stylizing the colors in a digital image or video to achieve a desired aesthetic or mood. This intricate technique involves manipulating the brightness, contrast, saturation, and tonality of individual colors, providing a nuanced and polished look to your visuals. The benefits of color grading are manifold, ranging from creating a cohesive visual narrative to emphasizing key elements within a scene. Whether it's enhancing the warmth of a sunset, achieving a cinematic look, or ensuring consistency across different shots, our skilled colorists employ state-of-the-art tools to bring your creative vision to life, ensuring a captivating and immersive viewing experience for your audience.

Offline Editing

Offline editing refers to the initial phase of video editing where a low-resolution version of the footage is crafted to establish the structure and pacing of the final product. This process allows for efficient content organization, seamless collaboration among team members, and the exploration of creative ideas without the burden of high-resolution files.

Online Editing

Online editing, the final refinement stage in video editing, involves working with the high-resolution version of the footage to polish and fine-tune every detail. This process allows for precision in color correction, audio enhancement, and visual effects integration, ensuring the delivery of a polished, professional product.


Backup involves the systematic duplication and preservation of your project files, safeguarding against potential data loss or corruption. The benefits of our comprehensive backup services extend beyond mere precaution; they provide peace of mind and assurance throughout the post-production process. In the event of unforeseen technical issues or emergencies, our meticulous backup protocols ensure that your valuable data is protected, allowing for swift recovery and minimizing downtime.

Sound Design

Sound design is the artful process of creating and manipulating audio elements to enhance the auditory experience of a film, video, or multimedia project. Our skilled sound designers meticulously craft and integrate sound effects, ambient noises, and music to complement the visual narrative, ensuring a harmonious and engaging result.

Sound Editing

Sound editing is the precise manipulation and refinement of audio elements, ranging from dialogue and background noise to music and sound effects. Our adept sound editors employ advanced techniques to enhance clarity, balance, and continuity in the auditory landscape of your project.

Voice Over

Voice-over involves the skillful addition of a narrator's voice to complement and enhance visual content, providing essential context, information, or emotional depth. The benefits of incorporating voice-over into your production are manifold, ranging from clarifying complex concepts and guiding the audience through narratives to establishing a distinct brand voice.


Localisation is the strategic adaptation of content to suit the linguistic, cultural, and regional preferences of diverse audiences. We ensure that your project will transcend linguistic barriers by providing accurate translations, culturally nuanced adaptations, and region-specific adjustments


Versioning is the strategic process of adapting and customizing content to suit diverse platforms, regions, or promotional needs without compromising its core essence. Our adept team ensures that your project seamlessly evolves to meet specific requirements, whether it be for different markets, languages, or distribution channels


Delivery, in this context, refers to the final phase of our post-production process, ensuring the smooth handover of the completed project to our clients. This encompasses providing the project files in the desired format, resolution, and specifications for distribution, broadcast, or online platforms. The benefits of our dedicated delivery services are substantial, encompassing time efficiency, adherence to industry standards, and a hassle-free transition from post-production to the subsequent stages of content dissemination. Our streamlined delivery process ensures that your polished and perfected project is ready for its intended audience, meeting all technical specifications and standards for a seamless and impactful presentation.

let's discuss your post production project


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